Chart of the day: 8 out of 10 migrant domestic workers want to continue working in SG
More than 93.0% have said they want to continue to work with the same employers.
This chart from the Ministry of Manpower’s Migrant Domestic Worker and Migrant Domestic Worker Employer Study 2021 shows that most MDWs will continue to work in Singapore.
In 2021, 80.6% have said they will continue to work in Singapore as an MDW, an increase from 77.5% in 2015.
Meanwhile, only 5.2% have said they don’t want to continue working in Singapore, decreasing from 7.7% in 2015.
Amongst those who intended to continue working in Singapore as MDW, 93.8% wished to continue working for the same employer when their current contract expires, an increase from 83.7% in 2015.