Seatrium unit bags FPSO topside modules fabrication contract
The contract marks the company's 8th collaboration with MODEC.
Seatrium unit BrasFELS Shipyard (BrasFELS) has secured a contract from Offshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd, a MODEC company.
Under the contract, BrasFELS will undertake parts of the topside modules fabrication of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) for the Raia project (FPSO Raia) in Brazil.
BrasFELS will work on the fabrication of three modules, namely: vapour recovery unit/ flare knockout (VRU/ FLARE KO), oil separation and stabilisation, and the flowline circulation and metering and utility systems.
BrasFELS will commence work in 1Q24.
When completed, FPSO Raia will have the capacity to process 126,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 16 million cubic meters of gas per day, with a storage capacity of two million barrels of crude oil.
BrasFELS will deploy the FPSO in the giant “pre-salt” area at the southern part of Campo Basin, approximately 200 kilometres off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.