Sembcorp Marine unveils metrics for proposed combination with Keppel O&M

Amongst these metrics is an order book of $6.4b.

Sembcorp Marine has unveiled the financial and operating metrics of its proposed combination with a restructured Keppel Offshore and Marine (Keppel O&M) in a response to the queries of its shareholders.

Amongst these metrics is an order book of $6.4b, and revenue of $3.9bn, assuming that the combination has been effected on 31 December 2021.

The enlarged order book of the combined entity will also allow Sembcorp Marine to optimise its larger and newer yards in Singapore and Brazil.

Meanwhile, the illustrative net tangible assets (NTA) for the combined entity is at $4.7b, and NTA per share is at $0.07.

Overall, Sembcorp Marine said the combined entity will be able to "accelerate its advancement into the cleaner and greener O&M and energy market, ensuring it is well placed to respond to new challenges and the evolving priorities of a low carbon economy."

"Sembcorp Marine and Keppel O&M are Singapore’s home-grown marine icons, and the Proposed Combination will create a premier global player with a deep engineering heritage to offer offshore renewables, new energy and cleaner solutions in the O&M sector, creating significant value on multiple levels for all its stakeholders," Sembcorp Marine added.

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