Chart of the Day: Which is the common type of investment for young people
Young people mostly invest their money in shares.
As more young people start investments, a majority of those aged 16 to 25 years old invest their money in shares, followed by exchange-traded funds, figures from Singapore University of Social Sciences and Great Eastern showed.
The chart showed that the top investment type for young Singaporeans is shares with 60.4% of 16 to 19 years old choosing this option, 61.7% of 20 to 24 age group picking shares, and 71.1% of 25 years old Singaporeans choosing shares.
This was followed by exchange-traded funds and cryptocurrencies.
According to the research, most respondents invested in these types, which is caused partly by social media influence.
The study surveyed 2,499 respondents aged 16 to 25 years old. Of the 2,499, 38.58% said they started investing whilst 61.42% said they did not.