NVPC and Ant International team up to boost digital fundraising for charities
The initiative will help charities under NVPC’s giving.sg platform.
The National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) and Ant International launched the Unlocking Growth: Actionable Strategies for Digital Fundraising initiative to boost the digital fundraising capabilities of charities on NVPC’s giving.sg platform.
The collaboration provided workshops and equipped charities with tools, insights, and expertise to excel in a digital landscape.
Ant International provided its expertise in digital financial services to equip non-profit organisations with capabilities to navigate the digital giving landscape, using giving.sg as the medium.
The programme involved 22 participants from 13 charities who explored growth marketing, gained insights from case studies and creative strategies for fundraising, and took part in a pitch challenge.
Participants were able to optimise digital engagement strategies to reach wider audiences, run efficient campaigns, and amplify their impact on the communities they serve.
In the coming months, participants will launch campaigns on giving.sg, applying their new skills.