Singaporeans can now store their own stem cells ahead of time while still young
Singapore's first private stem cell bank opens in Panjang Road.
Adults now have the chance to store their own stem cells ahead of time while they are still young and healthy, and use them as a safeguard against illnesses in the future. Introducing Stem Med, which bills itself as the first private stem cell bank in Singapore to offer the processing, cryopreservation and storage of Bone Marrow and Adipose (fat) tissues Mesenchymal Stem Cells for immediate or future therapeutic use.
It is a new joint venture between public-listed TalkMed Group Limited and StemCord. Its new wholly owned Stem Med Cellular Laboratory is equipped with ISO Class 5, Class 6 and Class 8 clean rooms to perform sophisticated laboratory cell processing and culturing.
“Stem Med was founded to facilitate cellular therapeutics and provide an opportunity for families who have missed the chance to store their own cord blood at birth. Several advancements are being made in regenerative therapy and the initial results from clinical trials are promising. Having these stem cells stored away may mean the very difference between life and death for many illnesses in the future,” says a spokesperson.
Incorporated on 21 January 2015, Stem Med is a private stem cell bank in Singapore licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH). It is founded and managed by a team of renowned medical specialist comprising Chairman Dr Khoo Kei Siong, Chief Executive Officer Dr Lim Hong Liang, Medical Director Dr Teo Cheng Peng, Director Dr Ang Peng Tiam and Director Dr Leong See Odd.
Meanwhile, StemCord, a private a autologous cord blood bank licensed by MOH since 2002, also opened up a new laboratory which can store up to 100,000 umbilical cord units and cord blood units. founded and managed by distinguished practising medical oncologists, haematologists and physicians with vast contributions in Bone Marrow and Peripheral Stem Cell transplantation programmes in Singapore.
The founders, Chairman/Medical Director Dr Teo Cheng Peng, Chief Executive Officer Dr Leong See Odd and Director Dr Ang Peng Tiam, had seen many cancer patients who needed stem cell transplants but were frustrated that the option was not always available. Thus, they started an affordable, professional and reliable service to give parents the opportunity to bank for future generations.
According to its spokesperson, StemCord maximises the potential for multiple treatments by storing cord blood and cord stem cells in two cryo bags. “In addition, by storing in two separate laboratories, there is added security and protection for the long-term security of these precious stem cells,” he added.
StemCord has been actively working to increase public awareness of the benefits of storing these stem cells as a form of biological insurance.
Both laboratories are located in Panjang Road.
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