This startup created the world's first bed sensor technology
No more patients accidentally falling off hospital beds.
To help busy individuals take care of their loved ones when they are not around, eVida launched its first generation of eBos (Bed Occupancy Sensor) which aims to prevent patients from falling off their beds and from having bedsores.
eBos Generation 1, which also bills itself as the world’s first bed sensor technology, is designed to help nurses keep an eye on fall-prone patients in hospital wards. The nurse call system would be triggered if a fall-prone patient is attempting to leave his/her bed. The same sensor is used to track the duration before a nurse needs to turn over a bed-bound patient to alleviate pressure and prevent bedsore.
Founded by Joyce Chee, 25, Darius Sim, 26 and Edoardo Stazi, 24, the idea of eBos came to them when Joyce’s grandmother suffered a fall at home in the absence of a helper.
eBos works by processing data collected from the sensors. Data collected are broadly categorized into two: environment and people. Environment data includes temperature, humidity and more, whereas people data includes respiratory rate, blood pressure measurement and more. These data are logged for recognising trends to monitor home security and the patient’s health status. Advanced data processing enables learning of the inhabitant’s routine and preferences. If necessary, emergency services, such as ambulance or police alert can be activated when abnormality in sensor readings is detected.
According to Joyce, eVida has secured private funding of SGD48.5K with Ideasinc as their major investor. Consequently, they are expecting a total of SGD660K fundings from another private investor and government investor.
Currently, eVida is working on eBOS Generation 2, with new features that include respiratory and heartbeat monitoring, incontinence detection, and potentially a dashboard and mobile app to reflect meaningful information about its user. Joyce adds that tentatively, eBOS Gen 2 would be ready for hospital trials by July 2015, and commercially ready for sales by December 2015.
Company name: eVida
Website: www.evida.com.sg
Founders: Darius Sim, Joyce Chee and Edoardo Stazi
Total funding at hand: SGD500K
Source of funding: Private Investors and Government
Major investors: Ideasinc
Start of operation: 29 April 2013
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