All travellers required to take on-arrival test: Minister Wong
Also, all travellers need to undergo tests 2 days pre-departure.
Minister Lawrence Wong said in his recent speech that all travellers will be required to an on-arrival test.
This is the latest in a series of measures directed at strengthening border measures against the pandemic.
Also included in the new measures is the requirement for travellers to undergo a pre-departure test within two days of departure of the country, two additional tests for travellers taking the Vaccinated Travel Lane, done on day 3 and day 7 of their arrival, and a surveillance exercise for travellers who arrived. between 12 - 17 November.
Wong explained that this surveillance would be done as a response to the countries which were affected by Omicron.
Routine tests will also see ramping up in order to monitor the sea and land checkpoints, as well as border personnel.