Where did Singaporeans celebrate the New Year?
Here are their top 10 destinations and average spending per night.
Online hotel search trivago.sg reveals the top 10 cities Singaporeans were choosing for the 2016 countdown and just how much they were willing to spend on accommodation compared to international travelers.
Based on travel search data on trivago.sg, the most popular way to celebrate the coming of New Year was a getaway at one of the country’s hotels, where Singaporeans were willing to spend on average $334 per night over 2 nights. In comparison, international travellers spent on average of $352 per night over 4 nights for their New Year’s countdown in Singapore. This was 5% more than what Singaporeans pay for hotels in the country and double the stay duration. Nonetheless, Singaporeans were still willing to splurge on staycations for this occasion, spending the most in Singapore for hotel accommodation than any other Asian destination in the top ten.
Here’s the complete list of 10 top destinations for Singaporeans to celebrate the coming of New Year: