CICT closes preferential offering with 48.5% excess applications
The excess applications totalled 183,034,982 units
CICT received valid acceptances and excess applications totalling 492,535,540 units or 130.5% of the total offered in its latest preferential offering.
In a bourse filing, CICT reported that excess applications totalling 183,034,982 units represent 48.5% of the total units offered in its preferential offering.
Meanwhile, valid acceptances of 309,500,558 units account for 82.0% of the total.
CICT will allocate the 67,803,416 Preferential Offering Units "not validly accepted or not taken up" to satisfy excess applications.
"In the allotment of Excess Preferential Offering Units, preference will be given to the rounding of odd lots," CICT said.