SPDR Gold Shares ETF can now be traded in SGD
USD will remain its primary currency.
SPDR Gold Shares ETF may now be traded in SGD currencies starting 30 June.
According to the Singapore Exchanges’ market update, a dual currency trading will be introduced to the SPDR Gold Shares ETF. It will commence trading in a secondary currency of SGD, with the primary trading currency remaining the USD.
As the unit holdings executed via SGD and USD counters are custodised in a consolidated pool at the depository, investors can buy one currency counter and sell in the other currency counter.
The non-SIP ETF, also included under the CPFIS-OA/SA, has a minimum board lot size of 5 units (approx. 0.47 ounces of Gold), which at a current unit price of US$166.00, has a value of US$830 ($1,110). The SPDR Gold Shares ETF was the most traded ETF listed in Singapore in 2019 and 2020, and the second most traded ETF in the 2021 year to date.
The SPDR Gold Shares ETF has averaged daily turnover close to US$4m since the end of 2019, which compares to average daily turnover of US$1.7m for the three years pre-COVID.