Towers Watson Singapore’s Spa Room allows staff to regenerate during lazy hours
Also, check out awesome photos of redesigned meeting rooms and clubhouse.
Towers Watson Singapore, recently relocated their Singapore office to the heart of CBD, OCBC Centre at Chulia Street. The approximately 13,000 sqft. property worked with BBFL as their interior designer, to redesign the office space to improve productivity and promote collaboration by creating inspiring workspaces, leaving the decision of how and where to work in the hands of each employee.
In an exclusive interview with Robert Wilkes, managing director of Towers Watson Singapore, he said that the primary focus of their office design was to create an environment where associates can share ideas and communicate freely. They did away with managers’ offices so that their leaders could be amongst their teams, allowing them to develop, coach and encourage associates in ways that keep them engaged over time.
According to Towers Watson research, when an organisation builds a workplace that actively marries high levels of employee engagement with enablement and energy, it opens the door wider to a significant performance lift.
“We have structured our work spaces to create a healthy work environment — one that supports physical, social and emotional well-being. This increases energy levels at the same time fosters a greater sense of open communication so that associates seek and receive all the support they need to do their work efficiently and effectively. This has also reduced the perceived power distance, allowing associates to put across views that benefit the organisation regardless of their career level,” said Robert.
The Forbidden City
Also known as the ‘quiet room’.
To assure that they have an open and creative office space where different consulting teams can co-exist – both in their units but simultaneously as part of a whole. Their traditional desk/meeting rooms, now turned into ‘The Forbidden City’.
The Forbidden City, allows associates to get the work done without the usual distractions of an open office, especially as there are no phone lines in the room (although phone booths are present for personal or longer phone conversations).
Towers Watson Singapore’s pantry, is modelled after a café environment. The ‘Clubhouse’ offers an unobstructed view of the Singapore River, and a place to work or unwind.
The ‘Spa’ room
The ‘Spa’ room, on the other hand, is a quiet sanctuary for rest at any time of the day, allowing staff to regenerate themselves and help them remain productive throughout the dangerous afternoon hours.