Here's how CEOs of largest companies in Singapore are being paid
The top ranking boss receives over $9million.
Singapore Business Review compiled the published annual reports of Singapore's largest publicly traded companies for 2012. We looked for the total remuneration of the chief executive officers for the full-year in the annual reports and here's what we found:
DBS' Piyush Gupta receives the highest compensation package at $9.33 million.
Mr Gupta has a basic salary of $1.2 million but received a cash bonus amounting to $3.5 million; $4.6 million share plan and other non-cash benefits totaling $31,249 for the full year.
Mr Gupta is followed by City Development's Kwek Leng Beng, Choong Chiau Beng and Tang Kin Fei.
The CEO of DBS' rival, OCBC came in fifth with $5.55 million.