Singapore to experience climate extremes by end century
Rising temperatures, wet and dry extremes, and rising sea levels to be experienced in Singapore.
According to a study by the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS), Singapore is projected to have higher temperatures, more wet and dry extremes, and an increase in mean sea levels by the end of the century.
Singapore is expected to become warmer, with annual mean temperatures rising between 0.6 and 5 °C.
Meanwhile, Singapore’s annual mean temperature is projected to rise to 0.55 °C per decade by the end of the century from 0.24 °C for the last 40 years due to the high emissions.
Nights will also be warmer with temperatures expected to exceed 26.3 °C.
Extreme daily rainfall is also expected to increase by 6 to 92% in the inter-monsoon months of April and May.
Meanwhile, dry spells could be more frequent and last longer, with an average one dry spell every 10 to 60 months by end century.
In addition, mean sea level is expected to rise by 0.23 m to 1.15 m by end century, and by up to around 2 m by 2150.