How many workdays do Singaporeans need to buy an iPhone 16 Pro?
Latest data improved from last year's 6.7 workdays.
An average Singaporean requires 5.7 days of work to afford the newest iPhone 16 Pro (128 GB), according to the iPhone Index 2024 by Picodi.
This is less than the 6.7 workdays needed to afford the latest iPhone model last year.
Singapore came in fourth on the list. Switzerland claimed the top spot, requiring only four days of work, followed by the US and Australia at 5.1 and 5.7 days, respectively.
Meanwhile, Türkiye ranked last, requiring 72.9 days of work to afford the latest iPhone model.
The Philippines and Brazil are in the second and third-last, requiring 68.8 and 68.6 workdays, respectively.
In the US, the iPhone 16 Pro (128 GB) costs $1,302 (US$999), the same as last year’s flagship.
(US$1 = $1.30)
Picodi iPhone Index 2024