IMDA, AIVF propose framework to advance generative AI development
The parties aim to finalise the Model AI Governance Framework in mid-2024.
The AI Verify Foundation (AIVF) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) developed a draft Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI.
The draft expands on the existing Model Governance Framework that covers Traditional AI, last updated in 2020.
The proposed framework aims to facilitate international conversations amongst policymakers, industry, and the research community to enable trusted development globally.
The framework will draw on practical insights from ongoing evaluation tests conducted in a Generative AI Evaluation Sandbox.
In addition, the framework looks at nine proposed dimensions to support a comprehensive and trusted AI ecosystem. It aims to follow core elements showcasing that AI should be explainable, transparent, and fair.
The proposed draft framework is available at https://aiverifyfoundation.sg/downloads/Proposed_MGF_Gen_AI_2024.pdf.
The parties aim to finalise the Model AI Governance Framework in mid-2024.