
Tan Peck Luan resigns as Pacific Star Development's VP

She also ceases to be financial controller of the Company.

Tan Peck Luan resigns as Pacific Star Development's VP

She also ceases to be financial controller of the Company.

Yan Yong steps down as Hu An Cable Holdings' director

He reasoned his other personal commitments.

Neo Yong Seng steps down as MYP's general manager

His role and responsibilities are taken over by Jonathan Tahir.

Sucipto resigns as PSL Holdings' chairman

He is the brother of Suma Hadi Negoro.

Chia Kim Huat steps down as PEC's director

He retired by rotation at the Company’s annual general meeting.

Teo Khiam Chong steps down as Disa's director

He did not seek re-election at the annual general meeting.

Ong Kian Min resigns as Hupsteel's director

He wants to focus on his other commitments.