
Wiranto steps down as United Global's director

His son was appointed to assume the role.

Wong Joo Wan steps down as KLW Holdings' director

He decided to retire and not seek re-election at AGM.

Michael Hwang steps down as YTL Starhill Global REIT Management's director

He resigned as part of the renewal process of the board.

Tan Guong Ching steps down as Singapore Shipping's director

He retires pursuant to the company’s constitution.

Wan Tai Foong and Oh Choon Gan step down as Accrelist's directors

They retired pursuant to the Company’s Constitution.

Lim Chin Hu resigns as Keppel DC REIT Management's director

His resignation is due to competing commitments.

Ng Su Ling steps down as LionGold's director

She wishes to pursue further interests.