Chin Siew Gim resigned as GSS Energy's independent non-executive chairman and director
He is to pursue personal interest.
Chin Siew Gim resigned as GSS Energy's independent non-executive chairman and director
He is to pursue personal interest.
Leong Mei Theng stepped down as Europtronic Group's group financial controller
She is to pursue other career opportunities.
Thai Kum Foon resigned as PACC Offshore Services' chief financial officer
She takes on a new role.
Lee Fook Sun stepped down as Singapore Technologies Electronics' president
He recently received Honorary Fellowship from the AFEO.
Peh Ee Sang resigned as Acromec's operations director
He is to pursue other career opportunities.
Zhan Ping stepped down as Terratech Group's executive director cum CEO
It followed after the company’s strategic review.
Jeremy Adina Bard Cooper resigned as IREIT Global Group's chief investment officer
Also, she is to step down as asset manager.
Itzhak Sella resigned as IREIT Global Group's executive director
Also, he is to step down as CEO.
James Matthew Somasundram stepped down as Yuuzoo Corporation's chief executive officer
He gave personal and health reasons.
Lee Ching Yen stepped down as Singapore Airlines' non-executive chairman and director
He was chairman of the board for more than ten years.
Andreas Schindler resigned as Brook Crompton Holdings' director
He resigned from ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG.
Philip Henry Lewis Levinson resigned as Cambridge Industrial Trust Management's CEO
He also resigned as executive director.
Wee Liang Hiam stepped down as Sincap Group's lead independent director
He reasoned out other personal commitments.
Simon Stewart Davidson resigned as FSL Trust Management's independent director
He was unhappy over the procedure and process of the appointment of the new CFO.
Bay Cheow Guan resigned as Sincap Group's independent director
He is to focus on his own business.
Ibrahim Abdelazim Aboutaleb resigned as Courts Asia's non-independent and non-executive director
He resigned from The International Investor Company (TII).
Lang Tao Yih resigned as Capitaland's group chief financial officer
He will be succeeded by Lim Cho Pin Andrew Geoffrey.