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23 HDB projects set for facelift

HDB will allocate more than $95m for the upgrade of flats.

Twenty-three projects across 11 towns will undergo upgrading works as part of the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) by the Ministry of National Development (MND) and Housing & Development Board (HDB).

The 15th batch of NRP includes projects in Hougang, Choa Chu Kang and Pasir Ris and will benefit more than 15,600 households. 

The government will allocate more than $95m for the facelift of the selected precincts. 

The per-flat budget is about $4,700, of which $3,400 will go towards block-level and precinct-level works, and $1,300 will be for Repair & Redecoration (R&R) works.

“With town councils facing a continued increase in the cost of materials and manpower, HDB will provide a budget increase for the 15th batch of NRP projects and eligible ongoing projects, increasing the budget to $6,100 per flat for these NRP projects,” HDB said.

With the latest batch of NRP projects, HDB has covered all eligible blocks built up to 1995.

HDB will extend the NRP to blocks built up to 1999, benefitting more than 100,000 additional flats. 

HDB will select the next batch of NRP projects by the end of this year.

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