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Wing Tai unit bags tender for River Valley residential site at $464m

Wing Tai plans to develop the site into a 400-unit luxury residential complex.

Winchamp Investment, a Wing Tai subsidiary, has won a 99-year leasehold prime residential site in River Valley from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) at a tender price of $464m.

Wing Tai plans to build a 400-unit luxury residential development over the 9,293.3 sq m site with a permissible gross floor area of 32,527 sq m.

Located in central Singapore's River Valley area, the site boasts proximity to diverse retail, dining, and lifestyle amenities. It is also adjacent to the Great World City shopping mall, the Singapore River area, The Central Business District, and the vibrant Orchard Road retail belt.

In addition, the site provides convenient access to other parts of Singapore via the Great World MRT Station on the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL).

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