, Singapore
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Women, boomers to drive Singles Day sales in Singapore

Seven in 10 boomers have planned for the 11.11 shopping event weeks or months in advance.

The Singles Day shopping event will see more participation from boomers and women, according to a survey from tech company LoopMe.

According to LoopMe, 71% of Singaporeans aged 55-64 had already planned for the 11.11 shopping event a few weeks or months in advance.

More than a quarter of boomers (27%) were also interested in online sales during Singles Day.
Apart from boomers, women are also set to be the stars of this year's Singles Day, with over half of them (61%) planning for the event months in advance. 

Data suggests that advertisers have caught on to this, as 63% of women noticed that they were being served more widespread Singles Day promotions compared to previous years.

 The majority of Singles Day shoppers who plan to buy from international retailers this year will also be women (60%). 

Overall, half of Singapore consumers (49.2%) are interested in some sort of Singles Day sales. 

Meanwhile, the study also found that social media is the biggest platform for Singles Day sales and promotions (44.1%), followed by TV (24.1%) and online search (23.3%). 

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