10 Asian airlines to hate for excessive late arrivals in July
Topping the list only has less than 30% on-time arrival.
Here's a rundown of worst performing Asian airlines in terms of having more than 45 minutes late arrival.
The date is obtained from FlighStats which reported that five of the top ten Asian airlines delivered greater than 90% of their flights to the gate on time in July.
The average on-tIme performance rating among the 41 Asian airlines analyzed was 63.14% down from June’s rate of 68.86%, significantly down from May’s 72.39%.
Singapore Airlines delivered 80.93% of its flight to the gate on time and only has 4.45% excessive late arrival.
According to FlightStats, China’s airports contInue to struggle with on-time performance as the bottom 20 airportsin Asia are in China.
They’ve recently implemented an “unrestricted take-off” policy at eight
of the nation’s airports to ameliorate the situation - something to watch out on next month's data.
But for July results, all but one of the 10 Chinese airlines in this list even got worse.
** photos: wikimedia commons