Who will be SBR's Most Successful Real Estate Agents of 2015?
Nomination ends on November 30.
Singapore is expected to see declining home prices in the coming months, especially in the mass market, as a result of the continued after effects from government measures and the looming supply glut. One niche segment, however, has remained fairly strong through it all - the luxury market. CBRE reported that 15 good class bungalows (GCBs) were sold in 1H2015 at an average price of $1,442 psf, marginally higher than the $1,428 psf in 2014.
Singapore Business Review is in search of the Most Successful Real Estate Agents of 2015. We want to know more about the savvy and successful realtors who are making the biggest single-home sales this year from January 2015 to present. Individuals who made the biggest sales will be featured online and on print, where they can talk about the reasons behind their success.
To qualify, the nominee must have sold a luxury home, landed or non-landed, costing at least $5 million.
If you think you deserve to be part of this list or know someone who does, nominate now. This does not require financial obligation. Nomination ends on November 30, 2015.
To nominate, send us the nominee/s profile photo along with the following information:
Name of the Real Estate Agent:
Company Affiliation:
Selling price and brief description of the major deal/s closed:
Brief personal background and career highlights:
Secret to success:
There is no limit in the number of nominees for each real estate agency.
Contact persons:
Krisana Gallezo-Estaura
Lee Anne Babierra