10 top dream destinations of expats in 2016
Guess who prefers Singapore more: men or women?
Social network and information site for people living and working abroad, InterNations, asked more than 14,000 expats around the world to name the city they are dreaming of moving to. New York came out on top, closely followed by London, Barcelona, Sydney and San Francisco. Also in the top 10 are Paris, Singapore, Dubai, Amsterdam and Rome.
Interestingly, the study also notes that while New York is the most popular destination among expats in general, responses vary widely according to such factors as gender, age group, and nationality. Both men and women prefer the "Big Apple" to all other places worldwide, but the lower ranks of their respective top 10 vary: While women dream of moving to Rome (#7 for female respondents), Berlin (#9) or Cape Town (#10), these three cities are missing from the ten favorites among the male participants. For the latter, Singapore (#5), Dubai (#7), and Vancouver (#9) turn out to be more desirable destinations of choice.