An uneven playing field? 38% of remote workers feel less included in hybrid meetings
Employees believe their input will be valued more if they attend the meeting physically.
Hybrid meetings might be creating an uneven playing field for employees who are working remotely, a survey by Logitech showed.
Based on the survey, 54% of employees joining hybrid meetings virtually felt they had fewer opportunities to build rapport amongst meeting participants, whilst 38% felt less included.
Employees (39%) virtually present in hybrid meetings also believe their input will be more valued if they attend physically.
If only hybrid meetings allow an equal chance for participants to speak and contribute, then it will be more productive, added 60% of those surveyed.
“The opportunity to participate is the most important factor in establishing a sense of equity in hybrid meetings. Facilitating equitable meetings – ensuring that all meeting participants have equal opportunities to contribute to discussions no matter where they are – needs to be a key consideration for business leaders,” said Bryan Lee, Logitech’s head of Video Collaboration for Southeast Asia.
“By bridging the gaps between in-person and virtual meeting participants, businesses will be able to foster a productive, collaborative, and connected work environment,” added Lee.
WATCH: The State of Hybrid Work