‘Born digital’ workers to generate additional S$2.5t profit: Citrix
This is if they are empowered to work flexibly.
“Born digital” Singaporean professionals and employees are expected to deliver S$2.5t more profits when allowed to work under a flexible arrangement, according to Citrix.
Citrix, however, said that employers must provide support for their "born digital" Millennials and Generation Z employees moving forward as they are expected to form the majority of the workforce in the next decade.
“These young employees are different from previous generations in that they have only ever known a tech-driven world of work”, said Citrix Executive Vice President of Chief People Officer Donna Kimmel. "To shore up their future business success, companies must understand their values, career aspirations, and working styles; and invest in their development."
According to Citrix’s The Born Digital Effect Singapore study, 78% of “born digital” professionals, managers, and executives (PMEs) and 78% of business leaders in Singapore prefer to continue working from home or remotely a few days a week, whilst 72% of business leaders are willing to implement flexible work mode even after the pandemic.
More than 70% of business leaders and young PMEs believe that a tech-enabled flexible work scheme allows better management of work-life balance. Seven in 10 of the respondents also felt that digital platforms helped them to be more productive and be more efficient in collaborating virtually and remain connected with colleagues during the prolonged work-from-home periods.
Despite this, they also cited potential challenges in the working models such as impeding social and communicational elements such as visibility and collaborations and exclusion.
The survey involved 300 "born digital" workers and 188 business leaders ‘born digital’ and older.