Photo by Tara Winstead via Pexels

5 in 10 employees say AI is the most in-demand digital skill

However, only 15% of them possess expertise in AI.

Despite acknowledging artificial intelligence to be one of the most in-demand skills of today, only one in 10 employees in Singapore have expertise in the area, data from Salesforce showed.

To address the skills gap, most employees (98%) want their companies to prioritise AI skills in their employee development strategy. 

More than half of employees (63%), however, said their companies are already considering ways to use generative AI.

Amongst industries, manufacturing ranks top for AI skills application, with 21% saying they are using AI skills within their role. On the other hand, only a few employees in the public sector (8%) and the healthcare industry use AI skills in their day-to-day roles.

“It is critical for business leaders to introduce effective skills development programmes to address the talent mismatch. Only then will businesses in Singapore be able to realise the full potential of these technologies, which is especially critical to build resilience in the face of today’s headwinds,” Sujith Abraham, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Salesforce ASEAN.

Apart from ethical AI and automation skills (57%), workers in Singapore also ranked security skills (60%) and programming skills (57%) as today’s fastest-growing and in-demand skills. 

Meanwhile, the most commonly used digital skills among workers in Singapore include collaboration technology, digital administration, and digital project management, with 8 in 10 (87%) using these in their day-to-day work.

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